About Us
The industry experts keeping businesses and consumers safe online.
“Cybercrime is the greatest threat to every company in the world and to combat this we have to keep building higher and higher security walls”
Adam Tegg, CEO
The Team at a Glance
With operations across the US, Asia and Australia, the team at Wontok deliver innovative value-added data security services that fill the gaps left in traditional security solutions. We are led by a team of security industry veterans who provide, affordable, best in class cyber security solutions to the market with 24/7 support to ensure we are with you every step of the way on the journey to a safer online environment for you and your customers.

Passion & Innovation
The Wontok team are a group of experienced individuals that share a deep passion for all areas of cyber security. Continually striving for excellence and are dedicated to ensuring that service providers and their customers have the latest security solutions. All of our technical staff are highly skilled specialists with cybersecurity experience across multiple industry sectors.
Wontok’s Leadership Team
Our senior management team pride themselves on continuous innovations to prevent cybercrimes from affecting you and your customers whilst looking to accelerate business growth. We understand the everchanging requirements of businesses and their customers in such an online volatile environment and our team are leading the way in delivering robust solutions that provide a great user experience total peace of mind.